• YES, I am a certified permanent makeup Artist. I have taken in person and online training courses with some of the best trainers in the industry from the USA and CAN, and I have multiple certifications.

  • The pain level for the procedure is considered mild to none. While everyone has a different comfort level; even with topical anesthetic, some clients may still experience slight pain. Receiving the procedure during your menstrual cycle may increase your sensitivity. After the procedure, redness and slight swelling in the area are normal.

  • Most people will be able to have a great experience with cosmetic tattooing, but there are some contraindications.

    You may NOT receive permanent cosmetics if you are:

    Under 18 years old

    Organ Transplant recipients


    Persons with Glaucoma

    Persons with psoriasis, eczema or keloids


    Have Shingles


    Botox within the last 2 weeks

    -Please note I cannot tattoo over raised moles or acne/blemishes within the brow area

    -If you are currently using Accutane or have used Accutane within the past year. Accutane extremely thins the top layer of your skin. We want your skin to be healthy during Microblading/PMU so it can heal properly and you can have the best results.

    -Undergoing cancer treatment, Must be off Chemo or Radiation for 6 months, due to your immune system being compromised.

    -If you have Diabetes type 1 or 2 we require a note from your doctor approving the procedure. Your Microblading/PMU may heal slower and you may be more at risk for infection.

    -If you are on blood thinners, we require a note from your doctor allowing you to go off of them for 3 days prior to your procedure and the note must also have the doctors approval for the procedure.

    *Pinpoint bleeding is normal, whereas excessive bleeding is not. When you bleed to much it makes it more difficult to implant the pigment into the skin. The pigment will be pushed out and the Microblading process will be very difficult to achieve.

    -If you have had any kind of eye surgery or will be having any kind of eye surgery, we require a doctor’s note stating you are approved for the procedure.

    -Any break out of cold sores you MUST wait 2 weeks before ANY procedure once they have cleared.

    *If you are prone to cold sores, please get a prescription for an antiviral from your doctor and take before and after your lip procedure or as directed by your doctor.

    -Please do not take aspirin, green tea, vitamin E, or any Herbs for 3 days prior to your procedure. If your doctor has you on aspirin every day we will need you doctor’s approval in written form for you to stop taking aspirin.

    *If you are under a Doctor’s care for any reason please notify us before scheduling your procedure.

  • To ensure you have a great experience with your permanent makeup procedure, please follow these steps.

    -Quit using retinol or other chemical exfoliants on area to be treated at least a month before your appointment.

    -Please refrain from drinking caffeine or alcohol for 24 hours before your appointment.

    -If you are on blood thinners or supplements, stop taking 3 days prior WITH YOUR DOCTORS APPROVAL

    -Sun exposure should be limited for 2 weeks before your appointment because of skin shedding, which will cause loss of pigment if the skin is tattooed to soon after a tan or sunburn.

    -Any eyebrow tweezing, waxing or tinting should be done no sooner than 48 hours before the procedure or two weeks after procedure.

    -If you have a shape in mind, please bring in photos or feel free to come in with your brow makeup on so I can see the everyday look you prefer, and we will work together to create the best shape once we measure your brows and assess your facial bone structure.


    -Please do not wear contact lenses during or immediately following the eyeliner procedure. Please remember to bring glasses to your procedure.

    -You may not use Latisse or any other lash growth enhancement product for one month prior or after the procedure.

  • -Expect slight swelling, thickness, and/or redness, for 1-2 days following the procedure

    -Gently blot your brows a few times for the first 2 hours following your procedure, using a clean paper towel and a little bit of distilled/or bottled water to remove any buildup of lymph fluid that may have dried onto your skin.

    -Apply a light layer of healing balm morning and night to brows for at least 5-7 days. Do not over apply healing balm.

    -Do not immerse brow area in water for 14 days. When showering avoid face area. Wash face in sink and cleanse brows separate from face.

    -Once brows begin to peel do not pick or pull on the flaking skin.

    -Do not put makeup on the brow area for a minimum of 10 days.

    -After healed from your touchup appointment you will only need to make sure to use sunscreen on the area, and minimize harsh exfoliation treatments to keep them looking great for as long as possible.

    -Natural fading will occur, and depending on your metabolism and lifestyle a yearly color boost should be performed after your touchup procedure.


    -Expect light to moderate swelling and redness in and around treated area.

    -For Lash Enhancement DO NOT use any aftercare cream or ointment.

    -Avoid eye makeup, eyelash extensions , strip lashes for 7 days. You can resume your makeup routine after this period.

    -Do not dye, perm, or use eyelash curler for 2 weeks. Any tools touching the treated area must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected first.

    -Use new mascara to avoid contamination.

    -If there is any swelling, apply a cool pack (not ice) to the area. Keep area clean, but do not wash with soap for 3 days.

  • You can NOT do the following for the first 10 days.

    Get them wet, (with the exception of gentle cleansing as instructed).

    Workout heavily/sweat

    Put makeup or lotion on or near the treated area


    Sun tanning

    Sauna/hot tub


  • The entire appointment takes approximately 2 1/2 - 3 hours. The first 30 mins we go over the paperwork, discuss shape, color, expectations and take pictures. I will then map and shape the clients brows, once the client is satisfied with the choices I will apply a topical anesthetic on the brows. Once the topical anesthetic has taken effect we begin the procedure.

    The second session takes place 6-10 weeks after the initial session. This session will take approximately 2 - 2 1/2 hours to complete.

  • The entire procedure takes approximately 1 1/2 to 2 hours. We will first go over the paperwork, take pictures and discuss color. I will then numb client and once topical anesthetic has taken effect we will begin the procedure.

    • Bleeding during the procedure: Excessive bleeding during your procedure will greatly affect how your brows will retain pigment. While this is not entirely in our control, it is important that you follow prep instructions to help minimize bleeding. this includes avoiding blood thinning medications, alcohol, and caffeine before your procedure.

    • Smoking: Smokers may notice their tattoo will fade faster.

    • Sun Exposure: Increased exposure to the sun will cause premature fading

    • Color of pigment: lighter colors fade quicker than darker colors

    • Skin Care Products: Exfoliating products (typically for acne or Anti-Aging) will cause pigment to fade.

    *If you are unsure if you are a good candidate for Microblading or any permanent makeup procedure, please feel free to call/text me for a free consultation.

  • The eyebrow area will be slightly red after the procedure and color will appear very dark, this is normal. The color will fade up to 40% as it heals. In the following days, the eyebrows will continue to be dark and you will notice slight scabbing. Do Not pick at he scabs as this may damage the skin and the outcome of the Microbladed/shaded area. The eyebrow will lighten up in color as it heals. No downtime is required after the procedure. It takes approximately 7-14 days for brows to heal.

  • This will vary from person to person, everyone’s results are different depending on skin type, lifestyle, and how well they follow the aftercare directions. Since Microblading pigments are not implanted into the skin as deep as traditional tattoos, the area will naturally fade over time. Microblading will typically last 1-3 years. The brows will continue to soften and lighten, and you may find that a touchup every year or two will keep your brows looking fresh. Clients can let the Microblades area fade over time, but please note a slight shadow may remain.

    Please note that final results CAN NOT be guaranteed as everyones skin is different, retains and breaks down pigment differently and a follow up appointment is recommended at 6-10 weeks. People with lighter hair, correction work or sparse eyebrows may require more than one follow up to reach their desired look at an additional cost.

  • Most permanent makeup treatments will require a touch-up session between 6-10 weeks as everyone heals differently and the outcome will vary. Please do not expect perfect results after the first session. Certain areas may not pick up during the first session and will need to be refilled. Pigment color may need to be adjusted, brow thickness and more strokes can be added. Your touch up session is when we refine your brows to ensure it looks perfect and retains the color for the whole year.

  • With the increased popularity and realism of current permanent cosmetics techniques, there are many women wanting to fix their brows from a procedure that may have been done many years ago. I require that anyone who has had their brows tattooed previously by another artist text me a picture of their brows without makeup, no filter and in good lighting before booking so I can assess your brows and we can discuss your options. Any client coming to me from a different artist is considered a New Client, with full price.

  • I’m sorry but as much as I love children I can not allow them in the studio. Microblading/PMU is considered a tattoo and therefore no one under the age of 18 is allowed in the studio. Please make childcare arrangements prior to your appointment.

    *If you show up to your appointment with your child, I will have to cancel your appointment and you will forfeit your deposit. A new deposit will be required to rebook.

  • The deposit you are leaving is to ensure you are committed to the Microblading/PMU appointment. Your deposit reserves a period of time specifically for your appointment. When an appointment is canceled or rescheduled on short notice, it becomes difficult to fill that time with a new appointment. When a deposit is forfeited, it covers the loss of time.